Medical consultants need to stay updated with the latest advancements to continue developing their careers. This is where CPD and CME come in. But what do they mean, and what is the difference between CPD and CME?
Firstly, both CPD and CME help doctors stay competent and confident. They also ensure high-quality care and patient safety by keeping professionals informed about the latest medical knowledge and diagnostics.
As a general rule of thumb, always check your specialty’s requirements to stay compliant and up to date.
What is CPD?
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to learning activities that help professionals improve their knowledge and skills. Generally, CPD is aimed at UK doctors who are looking to stay compliant in their medical field, stay licensed and develop further.
In addition, CPD points are earned through courses or online training.
What is CME?
CME stands for Continuing Medical Education. It is specific to healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses. CME ensures they stay updated with medical advancements and best practices. Typically, the focus area is on medical knowledge and clinical skills.
However, the main difference between CPD and CME lies in a few areas. For starters, CPD is for UK doctors but CME is aimed at US doctors generally. Another key difference is that CME is focused on clinical skills and it is often required for license renewal in some countries like, for example, in USA.
On the other hand, CPD not only includes clinical skills but it also will go through topics such as soft skills, providing best patient care, and quality improvement. CPD is essentially an on-going journey throughout the doctor’s career. It is not just about accumulating points but also about professional growth.
CME is considered short term because it typically includes structured learning activities focused on specific medical topics.
Both CPD and CME help professionals stay competent and confident in their roles. They also ensure quality service and patient safety in healthcare.
Always check the specific requirements for your profession to stay compliant and up to date.
Understanding the difference between CPD and CME
Now that you understand the difference between CPD and CME, you can choose the right type of learning for your needs. If you’re looking for CPD-accredited courses designed for healthcare professionals, Infomed has a plethora of courses for your speciality!
Our courses provide high-quality, practical education to help you stay up to date in your field.

Enjoy your learning!