On-demand: Paediatric Plain Films 2024
Catch-up with our online, case based online course for radiographers and trainee radiologists on paediatric plain films
Established, 2004 in the UK
CPD accredited, online courses for doctors in all of the major specialties
Catch-up with our online, case based online course for radiographers and trainee radiologists on paediatric plain films
Catch-up with our online, case-based course for anyone who reviews plain films in their practice. Now, over two days with 12 CPD points
Catch-up with our popular course for emergency physicians focusing on the clinical management of patients presenting to the Emergency Department.
14 CPD Points
The practical online course for the Consultant and SASG General/Adult Psychiatrist
Our comprehensive case based online course on General, NAI and Emergency Paediatric Radiology for general radiologists
Catch-up with the popular case based course for Emergency Physicians to improve your CT image interpretation.
Catch-up with our comprehensive three day course for Consultants, Registrars and Staff Grades working in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Paediatrics
18 CPD credits
Catch-up with our intereactive case based online course on how to best use, interpret and report PET-CT imaging
Catch-up with our popular online, case-based course on advanced MSK MRI
Catch-up with our course to provide a comprehensive and practical approach that focuses primarily on thyroid diagnostics
Catch-up with our comprehensive, and intensive course for Consultants and Career Grade Anaesthetists who undertake on call duties
This event is accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for 6 CPD credits
Catch-up with our comprehensive course for Consultants and Career Grade Anaesthetists who are seeing an increasing number of patient living with obesity in their day-to-day practice
This event is accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for 6 CPD credits
Catch-up with our interactive case based incidental findings course featuring sessions broadcast from the UK & USA. It’s our comprehensive three day course with 18 CPD credits
Catch-up with our update for Paediatricians on managing day-to-day common outpatient and ward clinical dilemmas and issues
APPROVED FOR CPD: RCPCH has approved this activity in accordance with the current RCPCH guidelines.
Catch-up with our latest imaging course for featuring many cases commonly experienced whilst on-call
12 CPD credits
Catch-up with our comprehensive update on interpretation and reporting practice in Neuroradiology.
12 RCR approved CPD points and certificate available upon submission of course evaluation.
Catch-up with our comprehensive symposium focusing on recent advances in resuscitation
12 CPD credits
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