King's Breast MRI Course 2024

Taking place online and live on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 December 2024

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Tuesday 10 December 2024

10.00 – 10.45

Breast MRI Basics (1)

Dr Bhavna Batohi

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London

10.45 – 11.30

Breast MRI Basics (2)

Dr Bhavna Batohi

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London

Interactive Cases Review Benign and malignant features

11:30 - 12:00


12:00 – 13.10

Local staging and NACT response assessment

Dr Claire Elliott

Consultant Radiologist, Royal Free Hospital, London

13.10 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.10

Implant assessment

Dr Katerina Ntailiani

Consultant Breast Radiologist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London

15.10 – 15.30


15.30 – 16.45

Multimodality imaging of metastatic breast cancer

Picture of Dr Shaheel Bhuva

Dr Shaheel Bhuva

Consultant Radiologist, Oxford University Hospitals

Wednesday 11 December 2024

09.30 – 11.00

The post-operative breast and recurrence

Picture of Dr Nikhil Patel

Dr Nikhil Patel

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College, London

11:00 - 11:20


11.20 -12.40

Second look ultrasound following MRI

Dr Vasiliki Papalouka

Consultant Breast Radiologist, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bart's Health NHS Foundation Trust

12.40 - 13.20


13.20 – 14.30

Breast MRI

as a problem solving tool

Consultant Radiologist TBC

14.30 – 14.50


14.50 – 16.00

Lobular carcinoma

Picture of Dr Nikhil Patel

Dr Nikhil Patel

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College, London

16.00 – 16.15


16.15 – 17.15


Case based discussion

Dr Anmol Malhotra

Consultant Breast Radiologist, Royal Free Hospital, London

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Who should attend

Consultant radiologists and radiology trainees specialising in breast who want to further their understanding and reporting of breast MRI in clinical practice.

The aim

This interactive case-based webinar aims at providing the busy radiologist with a comprehensive, practical, and stimulating review of breast MRI reporting, that will contribute to enhancing their understanding and performance in clinical practice.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the delegate will have:


Each session includes

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Course directors

Picture of Dr Nikhil Patel

Dr Nikhil Patel

Consultant Radiologist (Breast and Acute Pathway), King’s College Hospital, London

Dr Patel completed his postgraduate training in radiology in KSS, University College London Hospital and King’s College Hospital, London. He is a consultant radiologist with a special interest in breast cancer imaging at King’s College Hospital and National Breast Screening Training Centre.

Picture of Dr Rumana Rahim

Dr Rumana Rahim

Consultant Radiologist (Breast and Acute Pathway), King’s College Hospital, London

Dr Rumana Rahim completed her Postgraduate training in Radiology in Manchester. Dr Rahim is a Consultant Radiologist at Kings College Hospital and National Breast Screening Training Centre. Her Specialist radiological interest is in all aspects of breast imaging with a sub-speciality of gynaecological oncology.

Faculty members

Picture of Dr Bhavna Batohi

Dr Bhavna Batohi

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London

Picture of Dr Shaheel Bhuva

Dr Shaheel Bhuva

Shaheel is a Consultant Radiologist at Oxford University Hospitals specialising in cross-sectional and PET imaging with a particular interest in breast and haematological malignancies. He completed his radiology training at Leeds Teaching Hospitals, and a post-CCT fellowship in PET Imaging at King’s College London, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals

Picture of Dr Claire Elliott

Dr Claire Elliott

Consultant Radiologst, Royal Free Hospital, London

Picture of Dr Charlotte Longman

Dr Charlotte Longman

Consultant Breast Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London

Picture of Dr Anmol Malhotra

Dr Anmol Malhotra

Consultant Breast Radiologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Picture of Dr Katerina Ntailiani

Dr Katerina Ntailiani

Consultant Breast Radiologist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London

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Delegate feedback

See the coverage, achieivement and impact as written by the delegates

(106 responses)

Coverage, achievement, and support
Would you enjoy attending an Infomed webinar in the future?
Would you recommend this course to your department colleagues?

Coverage and achievement

Good cases, interactive, post operative breast and breast implants very good sessions as do not see very often.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Wide range of topics, very useful for practice, informative, interactive, able to view cases ourselves…and from home !
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Very useful review. I found it reassuring that most of it was not new to me. The implant session I found particularly useful.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
I was really impressed by the breadth and standard of the talks. I am not a breast radiologist, attending in order to support a proton beam MDT but actually found the majority of the course relevant and well delivered. A true worthwhile day.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Great course, I am planning to join the next year course and any other courses running by Infomed
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
PACS was excellent, it was really great to have such interactive training, thank you
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
The DICOM viewer, laggy at times but given the number of participants trying to view at the same time that isn’t too surprising. Good to have prompt IT support from Infomed always ready - do you want to come and work in our department??
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Great Dicom, user friendly, easy to navigate and user friendly
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
WebEx was new for me, but I must say, an easy interface to use, it runs very smoothly, it is really good
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
What a response, I hadn't seen the login details by the morning of the course. I emailed at about 7.30 and had a timely answer with all the necessary details well before it started so thanks to Jack/ Oliver at Infomed
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
All good, the variety of interactive cases, the ability to ask questions, the slick IT with an easy to use PACs
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Online course! with good technical support, organization, quality of really professional lectures and lecturers
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Interactive training with very good PACS access, coverage of all aspects of breast MR including reconstructed breast and breast implant!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
The topic selection was very useful and interesting. I enjoyed the interactive cases.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Convenient at home, interactive, easy to join, I am pleased that the cases can be reviewed at a later time in a more relaxed way (catchup!)
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Great opportunity to go through a variety of cases and clinical scenarios; brief but informative introduction; very interactive
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Nice being able to scroll through images. helpful when lecturer gave which sequences/series they wanted us to look at to safe time. good online delivery platform.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Good coverage of topics relevant to breast MRI; good selection of cases and practical tips for reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
The topics were pitched at the right level and covered are all pertinent to every day practice, viewing cases so can make up your own mind is so beneficial, slido voting to make it more interactive was a very good addition.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Content, time keeping, selected topics, good presenters, case selection, ease of usage of the PACS system and very well organised
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
So many great cases, extended access means, ONLINE and I can go back and review in my own time, open forum to ask questions.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Interactive course with efficient delivery of information in short talks with daily work cases interpreting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
To make this course better? Nothing I can think of apart from perhaps making the MRI basics session a bit longer.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Excellent online course, interactive, very good and relevant content, could scroll through cases myself, and excellent quality of lectures
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Very helpful day it will have a huge impact because now I feel more confident in MRI breast area
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
This may be a two-day course to allow for the basics, to be well taught to newbies like me and more cases per longer sessions
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Will definitely look back fondly to this webinar having inspired me and taught me a lot of clinically relevant information
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
It will definitely improve my breast MRI reporting, especially implant reporting and extra breast finding reporting!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Yes: I will not be reporting breast MRI but, I now have a deeper understanding which will enable me to review prior breast MRI imaging and reports with increased knowledge and confidence and have a better understanding when Breast MRIs are reviewed/discussed at MDT.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
I will be more confident for reporting Breast MRI, definitely more comfortable discussing cases at MDT
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
The course gave me the wider knowledge and understanding of the MRI interpretation which I can implement in my practice at the DGH
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
Be more confident and better able to assess breasts in MDT setting and daily DGH practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in December 2022)
well pitched talks; so many cases and images to review
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
catch up facility and ability to go back over the cases
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Discussion session, implants session, breast mri basics session.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Coverage of all aspects, case-based discussion, timekeeping
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
able to do from home/ appreciate short breaks/mainly good speakers/interactive
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Cases and almost instant technical support when needed
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Cases, presentations, very wide coverage
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
very useful information/content for my day to day practice. lot of time for discussion.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Online delivery and very good content
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Technical support always available from Infomed
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Very practical, excellent case selection, lectures available for 2 months
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
mixture of topics, ability to view cases pre/during/post meeting & MDT. Was just as good as live study day. Thanks to everyone really enjoyed this webinar
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Interaction, quality of speakers, ease to attend from home
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Comprehensive coverage. Absolute expertise of the lecturers. Fantastic delivery. Practicality of this form of education. Good value for money!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Very good topics, cases and speakers
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
speaker fantastic to the point applicable to practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
The subject- Breast MRI, the themes: all of them ( 2nd look US, implants etc),the time keeping, the IT support, all excellent.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Breast MRI basic, The post op breast. very interesting case with important tips.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
very practical and to the point, good image quality
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Excellent topics, time keeping, improved practical knowledge
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Topics covered, variety of cases,
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Instant feedback, Range of subjects covered, Imaging
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)

What is the impact on your practice from attending this course?

Enormous impact. I do not formally report MRI as it is not a service need but I am now more encouraged to review MRIs and have more confidence /better systematic approach to review after the course, as well as knowledge of pitfalls and hints from excellent experienced radiologists
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
I have learnt a lot of new things today which will definitely reflect on my future practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Many learning points helpful in daily reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Enhance reporting skills and accuracy
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
I will recommend this course to my colleagues. This course has definitely improved my knowledge in second look USS and post op recurrence.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Will be definitely helpful in reporting MRI breast in the future
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
might have to MR bloody nipple discharge!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
we are soon going to start breast MRI in our trust so very useful for me, I feel more confident.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Enhance the quality of my breast MR reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
normal imaging and bloody discharge usually goes to ductectomy in our institution - need to look at numbers to see if MR for these cases is feasible
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Change of departmental practice. Will help me with mentoring my colleague
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Definitely positive, I will regularly start reporting MRI Breast
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Very useful for my practice as a breast radiologist.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
good learning points and deeper understanding of MRI role in daily practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
I report about 5 breast MRI per week for many years and never feel I'm good in it. what I heard is very helpful, I now feel more confident with MRI reporting.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
More confidence in reporting breast MRI
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
knowledge re-enforced but also took away some new learning points not previously appreciated
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Certainly given me more confidence and also a reminder/refresher of the basics as well as given me other things to consider when reporting MRI breast
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
very much helpful to improve approach to reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
Helps me apply in practise
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
I haven't started reporting Breast MRIs yet. Furthermore, not too many scans are performed in our department. The range of subjects covered by the course offered me the chance to reflect on rarer and controversial cases.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in March 2022)
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Computer monitor displaying DICOM images

Access to cases for our imaging events

Our imaging courses are very much an interactive experience. Presentations are kept to the minimum and then you'll be into the fully featured cloud based DICOM viewer, looking at cases, feeding back your findings using our interactive tools. You'll get immediate feedback and learning points from our expert faculty member.

DICOM viewer
DICOM viewer
Sample the DICOM viewer here. A window will load below the buttons (best demonstrated on a computer rather than mobile device)
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Frequently asked questions

We will contact you by email one week before the course takes place with all the necessary links and joining information.

We will re-send the links the day before the course.

If you have not received an email from us please contact us at and we will respond ASAP.

NO. Infomed shall provide you, upon registration a link to stream the course within your web browser, or you can download a small application to run it as a separate window on your computer. If you would prefer a mobile device, we shall also include a link download an app from the Play Store/App Store.

YES! It is very much encouraged. There will be Q&A sessions chaired by Infomed. You can type your questions in the 'chat' facility and they will be put to the speakers.

You can find your catch-up in your account page.

At the end of the catch-up page you will find a link to the feedback form, which will generate your CPD certificate when you submit your feedback.

If the catch-up is not visible in your account, please contact us and we will amend your account ASAP.

Using the short videos below, we shall guide you through the process of joining a meeting using Webex. If joining from your own computer If you are connecting from your own device then it is likely that you will be able to join via the Webex application. If joining from a trust/institution computer However, if you are using a computer that is owned and restricted by your trust, then you may find it easier to join via your web browser. Please see the second video for guidance on this process.

Joining Webex using the application on your PC or Mac

Joining Webex using your web browser

Using the short videos below, we shall guide you through the process of opening the PACS and then on to opening, manipulating, and closing a case. You are welcome to access our demo case set below
View demo cases here Password: INFOMED

Accessing the database and cases on PACS​

Advanced features of PACS​

When you connect to a course you should see some introductory slides and hear music.

If you cannot hear any music please check you are connected to the audio.

At the bottom of the webex meeting you may see a button that says "Connect to audio".

Click this and then select "Use computer for audio" in the pop-up box.

If you have connected by a browser you may need to give your browser access to your microphone in order to connect to the audio.

Click the padlock in the top left of your browser and make sure microphone access is allowed

If this does not resolve your issue please email us or call us on 0204 520 5081

To join an Infomed Online course you simply need an internet connection and a browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari).

You can also connect from a mobile device: Download the Webex Meetings app from your App Store.

To join a course with a smooth experience, your internet connection must be stable, not connected to a VPN and at least 20Mbps download.

Below you can use the tool to run an internet speed test.

You must test from:

  • -- the location that you intend the see the course from;
  • -- withing the location, if using Wi-Fi, the room or department area that you intend to view the course from to ensure a good signal
  • -- if connecting from home, a computer that is not connected to a workplace VPN

Internet Speed Test

Please test your connection speed at

To join a course with a smooth experience, your internet connection must be stable, not connected to a VPN and at least 20Mbps download.


Breast MRI course banner

Course fees

Standard fee: £375 inc VAT

How to attend this course

This course is hosted online using Teams or Webex. We shall provide you with a joining link and instructions one week before the course begins.

In the meantime, you can checkout our tutorials below. On the course day, we also provide full support and giudance by chat, email and telephone.

How to join a course
How to open and use the DICOM cases