Established, 2004 in the UK
CPD accredited, online courses for doctors in all of the major specialties

A two-day case-based interactive workshop

THREE places left!

This in-depth, practical and intensive workshop will cover most aspects of image interpretation that neurologists, radiologists and other clinicians will find useful in routine clinical practice. Course organised by Infomed Research and Training on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 January 2020, at the Park Plaza County Hall Hotel, 1 Addington Street, London SE1 7RY

Target audience

Day one

Course programme

Download: Full course programme

Day two

CPD Accreditation

This course provides 12 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists

Course fee

Course fee includes lunch and refreshments, and attendance CPD certificate.

Doctors in Training [NHS]: £495 (inc. VAT)
Consultants/SASGs [NHS]: £575 (inc. VAT)
Private sector rate: £695 (inc. VAT)

Course directors

Picture of Dr Gerardine Quaghebeur

Dr Gerardine Quaghebeur

Dr Gerardine Quaghebeur is a diagnostic neuroradiologist with a subspecialty interest in paediatric neuroradiology. She has been a full time neuroradiologist in the neuroradiology department in Oxford, now based at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, for 21 years. Following medical training in South Africa she completed postgraduate training in London - initially in surgery and neurosurgery; and subsequently neuroradiology. She has a major interest in teaching and has lectured on and organised numerous courses. She is a past member of the Royal College of Radiologists Professional Learning and Development committee; and is the current Chair of the BSNR Standards Committee.

Picture of Dr Sachit Shah

Dr Sachit Shah

Dr Sachit Shah is a consultant in diagnostic neuroradiology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Queen Square. Dr Shah studied medicine at University College London, and undertook postgraduate training in medicine at Hammersmith and Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals, and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. Following this, he trained in radiology at Imperial College Hospitals, before undertaking subspecialist training in neuroradiology on the Pan-London Neuroradiology Fellowship. In addition to wide ranging expertise including stroke, pituitary and dementia imaging, Dr Shah has a specialist interest in the imaging of peripheral nerve and muscle disorders. Dr Shah also holds an academic post at the UCL Institute of Neurology, and is a lecturer on the UCL Advanced Neuroimaging MSc programme.

About the course

Course aim

This is a case-based neuro-radiology course with emphasis on clinical diagnosis and disease/pathology recognition, reporting style and content; concentrating on common pathology and further rare and eponymous cases that the clinician and radiologist  might not see frequently but need to recognise on presentation. Key cases from years of neuroradiology experience in two days. 

To ensure that delegates are able to:

  • Identify the difference between CT and MRI scans of the brain and spine and their most appropriate use; identify important anatomic structures of the brain and spine; and identify and understand the use and value of basic MR sequences.
  • Identify basic patterns of disease on imaging so that delegates would feel comfortable when discussing the imaging findings of their patient using appropriate terminology. 
  • Identify imaging characteristics of lesions to allow for narrowing of the differential diagnosis; and discuss the differential diagnosis. Very importantly, cases will focus on routine pathologies most relevant to day to day practice.
  • understand the significance and appropriate use of imaging in helping to make the diagnosis. 

Target audience

  • Consultant neurologists and senior neurology trainees
  • General radiologists and DGH radiologists who require further proficiency in neuroradiology;
  • Neuroradiology and general radiology trainees

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the attendee will:

  • become more confident in their daily interpretation of neuroradiology imaging;
  • have a more comprehensive understanding of brain and spine pathology and the relevant imaging findings;
  • have a more in-depth understanding of appropriate use of imaging in differing pathologies and different diagnoses;
  • have learned tips and tricks that would allow them to avoid common misses and pick up on subtle abnormalities, particularly in relation to topics that are often inconsistently reported.

Course highlights

  • Faculty of UK based Consultant Neuroradiologists who are experts in their fields and from different hospitals in the UK; they will concentrate on case-based learning without didactic lecturing
  • Interactive case-based approach on iMac workstations to maximise learning, providing around 100 cases for you to interpret, and giving you immediate feedback following each case
  • Excellent peer interaction and collaborative learning with 2 delegates per iMac workstation and a strict limit on the number of delegates

Faculty profiles

Picture of Prof Stavros Stivaros

Prof Stavros Stivaros

Prof Stavros Stivaros is Head of Paediatric Neuroradiology at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH), one Europe’s largest children’s hospitals. As the Clinical Lead for the North of England Children’s Epilepsy Surgery Service, which is commissioned across both RMCH and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital (Liverpool), his clinical work covers a significant proportion of the paediatric population of the United Kingdom. He is Professor of Paediatric Neuroradiology and Translational Imaging at the University of Manchester, where he leads the paediatric multi-parametric imaging research group. He has a special interest in the imaging of the developing brain and the imaging of related disorders. His work on artificial intelligence techniques to fuse and analyse anatomical, physiological and functional imaging in specific disease groups, such as autism, Neurofibromatosis and children’s brain tumours has won recognition as a winner of the Royal College of Radiology Crookshank Medal and at the International Society of Paediatric Neuro-oncology.

Picture of Dr Charles Romanowski

Dr Charles Romanowski

Dr Charles Romanowski has been a Consultant Neuroradiologist in Sheffield since 1995. He trained in neuroradiology in Sheffield and Manchester. His clinical interest is in adult diagnostic neuroradiology, particularly neuro-oncology and the behaviour of low grade gliomas as well as imaging in dementia.

Charles is the organizer of the Sheffield Fundamentals of Neuroradiology Course, which is celebrating its 22nd year in 2019. He lecturers nationally and internationally and is a faculty members on the Erasmus MRI Course and the European Course in Neuroradiology. He is an honorary member of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. He has been closely involved in the development of the examination for the European Diploma in Neuroradiology (EDiNR). He is a section editor and author for the new European textbook – Clinical Neuroradiology.

Outside of work, he enjoys playing the piano, water-colour painting, exploring many aspects of his Polish heritage and renovating an eighteenth century farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Picture of Dr Jane Evanson

Dr Jane Evanson

Dr Jane Evanson is the Lead Consultant Neuroradiologist at Barts Health NHS Trust having trained in Radiology at Charing Cross Hospital,the National Hospital for Neurology and Atkinson Morley's Hospital and also in Pittsburgh. She is a diagnostic Neuroradiologist with interests in Paediatric and Fetal MR, Neuro-Oncology, Skull Base imaging and Pituitary imaging.

Picture of Dr Samantha Mills

Dr Samantha Mills

Dr Samantha Mills has been a consultant diagnostic neuroradiologist since 2011. She previously did her radiology training as part of the North West Radiology Scheme and during her training undertook a joint RCR/CRUK funded PhD in Advanced Magnetic Imaging Technique for use in Neuro-oncology at the University of Manchester. She holds positions on the British Neuro-Oncology Society (BNOS) council and on the National Cancer Research Institute Brain Clinical subgroup. Her research interests include perfusion imaging in neuro-oncology (DCE-MRI) and she currently is involved with a number of collaborative neuro-oncology projects with the University of Liverpool, the University of Brighton and Sussex and Glasgow University.

Picture of Dr Ata Siddiqui

Dr Ata Siddiqui

Dr Ata Siddiqui was appointed as a Consultant Neuroradiologist in 2007. After his general radiology training, he undertook the Pan-London Neuroradiology fellowship, rotating across several major neuroscience centres/hospitals in London. His main interests are diagnostic neuroradiology and ENT (head and neck) imaging. He has authored several publications and regularly reviews manuscripts for journals such as Clinical Radiology and British Journal of Radiology. He has presented widely at national and international meetings. He regularly lectures at regional and national meetings. He is a member of the Royal College of Radiologists, British Society of Neuroradiologists and British Society of Head and Neck Imaging.

Further profiles to be posted in the coming weeks

Hands-on with the cases using OsiriX DICOM viewer.
Short lectures followed by cases
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