Established, 2004 in the UK
CPD accredited, online courses for doctors in all of the major specialties

RCPCH has approved this activity for CPD; in accordance with the current RCPCH guidelines

on Tuesday 14 January 2020 at the Park Plaza County Hall Hotel, 1 Addington Street, London SE1 7RY


Discussion forums and cases

After the AM and after the PM lectures, delegates split into two groups and attend each of the two Forums in turn. Each Forum involves detailed and interactive practical discussion and in-depth analysis of specific problematic cases in Paediatric and Child & Adolescent Psychiatric practice, in the clinic or on the wards, relating to the topics addressed in the preceding lectures.

Comments from day one of this event [3 December 2019]

What did you like most about the course?

  • Very good content, up to date information and advice, and nice people
  • Topical, good range of topics, open discussions
  • Access to great professionals, high quality of experience assumed
  • Excellent workshops, opportunity to meet other professionals and old friends too
  • Very useful to know my limitations aa a paediatrician and identify where psychology/psychiatry  are a must.
  • Day organisation was very good, workshops and lectures sticking to time
  • Very good idea to have a mix of paediatricians and psychiatrists
  • Topics discussed are very challenging, the breakaway interactive sessions were a great idea
  • This added to my clinical knowledge hence will improve my service delivery
  • It will have given me a greater breadth of knowledge and understanding
  • Lots of take home message, very positive and practical
  • Lots of ideas to take away and develop and share with team
  • I have patients with severe anxiety issues and the discussions have thrown light on how to manage it
  • This will certainly aid diagnosis and management of difficult cases – immediate impact on my current practice

Full course programme

Course fee

Course fee includes lunch and refreshments, and attendance CPD certificate.

Standard rate: £295 (inc VAT);
Reduced rate maintained at £250 (inc VAT)

Course director

Picture of Professor Peter Hill, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Professor Peter Hill, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Peter Hill is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist with extensive training and qualifications in general medicine, psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and paediatrics. His main work nowadays is at a thriving private practice at 35 Great James Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3HB, focusing on neurodevelopmental disorders and mental illness in the young. He has previously headed departments at St George’s, University of London, (where he was foundation professor of child mental health in the University of London and is still visiting professor) and at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Over the years he has advised government departments in the UK and overseas on child mental health issues, particularly service delivery. He has been a key opinion leader in ADHD for some twenty years and has written, lectured or advised on the management of ADHD nationally and internationally.

Course aim

To provide expert opinion on difficult management issues in the treatment of clinical issues in depression and neurodevelopmental disorders, with a clear focus on the clinical challenges and dilemmas faced by front-line children’s clinicians when general guidance is insufficiently specific.

Furthermore, with lectures and discussion forums led by very experienced clinicians, the course aims at providing C&A psychiatrists and paediatricians with senior opinion and guidance on grey areas of clinical practice; these are areas of difficult diagnosis or the management of challenging issues and treatment decisions, the sort of issues and cases that go beyond national guidelines and present real challenges and often leading academic/clinicians with expert experience and know-how can further explore the clinical issues.

Learning outcomes for the series

By the end of the series participants will have

  • An in-depth understanding of best practice and how senior experts address these problems in terms of specific instances and cases
  • Been able to raise their own queries or uncertainties
  • Greater confidence in their own practice when faced with similar clinical dilemmas
  • Identified gaps in their own skills or knowledge which can then be addressed
  • Had an instructive and engaging educational experience

Faculty profiles

Picture of Dr Paul Wilkinson, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Brookside Family Consultation Service

Dr Paul Wilkinson, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Brookside Family Consultation Service

Dr Paul Wilkinson studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and undertook his postgraduate training in psychiatry in East Anglia. He was appointed University Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge in 2009. Dr Wilkinson carries out research into the epidemiology and treatment of adolescent depression and self-harm; he was part of the research team for the ADAPT and IMPACT depression randomised controlled trials. Funders include NIHR, the MRC and CLAHRC. He also has a major teaching role, leading teaching in psychiatry at the University of Cambridge and being lead of the year 5 undergraduate medicine course; he teaches regularly on the treatment of paediatric depression and anxiety disorders for the British Association of Pharmacology.

Picture of Dr Osman Malik, Consultant Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatrist, Evelina London Children's Hospital

Dr Osman Malik, Consultant Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatrist, Evelina London Children's Hospital

Dr Malik trained in General Psychiatry at Imperial College/ Chairing Cross Training Scheme in London and received membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych 2008). Following that he worked as a specialty doctor at the Centre for Interventional Paediatric Psychopharmacology at Great Ormond Street Hospital. He completed higher training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Great Ormond Street and The Royal London Training Programme (2009-2012). Currently he is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at The Department of Paediatric Neurosciences at Evelina London Children's Hospital (working across several teams within Neurosciences) and at Children’s Psychological Medicine at St Thomas' Hospital. Main roles include working in: Complex Paediatric Neurodevelopmental / Neurodisability Service: (regional and national service) conducting multidisciplinary complex neurodevelopmental assessments of young people with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental, psychiatric and neurological conditions. TANDeM (Tourette and Neurodevelopmental movement disorders service): assess and manage young people with Tourette syndrome and its co-morbidities such as ADHD and OCD. He also assesses and manages young people with Complex Motor Stereotypies (and intense imagery movements) and functional movement disorders. Children's Psychological Medicine at St Thomas' Hospital: (National and Specialist Paediatric Liaison Service - South London and Maudsley NHS Trust) assess and manage young-people with medically unexplained physical symptoms. Dr Malik is actively involved in research in Tics, Tourette Syndrome and motor stereotypies. He is a clinical supervisor / trainer for higher trainees in child psychiatry and teaches at the South London and Maudsley as well as Great Ormond Street training schemes in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Picture of Dr Dennis Ougrin MBBS, MRCPsych, PGDip(Oxon), PGCAPHE, PhD, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

Dr Dennis Ougrin MBBS, MRCPsych, PGDip(Oxon), PGCAPHE, PhD, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

Dr Ougrin graduated from a medical school in Ukraine in 1998 and came to England to undertake his post-graduate training. He completed his higher training in child and adolescent psychiatry at Guy's and Maudsley and is currently a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist leading Supported Discharge Service at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Ougrin is also a clinical senior lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. Dr Ougrin leads a programme of information exchange between the UK and Ukraine. His main professional interests include prevention of Borderline Personality Disorder and effective interventions for self-harm. Dr Ougrin is the author of Therapeutic Assessment, a novel model of assessment for young people with self-harm. He is the chief investigator of a randomised controlled trial of Supported Discharge Service versus Treatment as Usual in adolescents admitted for in-patient care and a principal investigator of a randomised controlled trial comparing intensive mental health intervention versus usual social care in Looked After Children. Dr Ougrin also works on developing a modular psychotherapeutic intervention for self-harm and on understanding the pathophysiology of self-harm in young people.

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