Established, 2004 in the UK
CPD accredited, online courses for doctors in all of the major specialties


To design, manage and review courses, Infomed works closely with a core of permanent specialist medical advisors (all senior practicing Consultants with a keen sense for what doctors on the front-line are looking for in terms of CME/CPD) and a wider network of contacts, principally doctors who have attended Infomed events and have been impressed with Infomed’s organisational skills and capacity to deliver.


Infomed is regularly commissioned by medical and health care organisations to produce and manage courses. Infomed has worked in partnership with:

Infomed also works with private sector organisations, where these can provide essential equipment for training purposes free of charge and without restrictions, as is the case, for example, with Ultrasound equipment suppliers, such as SonoSite, GE, Siemens, BK and Philips.

Working in partnership

Infomed also works with particular Trusts, hospitals or departments to organise courses jointly. This always involves a joint initial meeting to agree terms as well as course focus, prospective faculty and session briefings. Typically, Infomed would then do the rest of the work – securing and liaising with the Faculty and finalising the programme, obtaining equipment, contracting and liaising with the venue and caterers, promoting the course, securing accreditation, managing bookings and liaising with registered attendees, producing the course website and materials, reporting to the partner, managing the course on the day, and post-course management, including course evaluation and review. The model has become particularly popular in recent years with hospital departments and senior doctors looking to widen the reach of their expertise, reduce admin and management burdens and share in the gains generated by an expert partner with dedicated event management and marketing systems in place.
The main benefit of working in partnership with Infomed is that it has a long and wide experience of organising courses from start to finish (first conception; definition of aims, objectives and target audience; programme design; Faculty selection and liaison; marketing and promotion; bookings management, post-event tasks, etc).

Furthermore, If you are familiar with Infomed and how it works and you’d like to be involved in planning or running an Infomed event, as an advisor, lecturer, tutor or host, please get in touch.

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