Established, 2004 in the UK
CPD accredited, online courses for doctors in all of the major specialties

An intensive, practical, case-based course for Consultant Radiologists

TWO places left!

on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 March 2020, at the Park Plaza County Hall Hotel, 1 Addington Street, London SE1 7RY

For all consultant radiologists. More and more consultant radiologists are now required to be on call. This well established course provides a practical and comprehensive review of the more challenging cases faced by the on-call Radiologist.

Download: Full course programme

This event has been sponsored by the Medica Group

Target audience

Course director

Picture of Dr Bhavna Batohi

Dr Bhavna Batohi

Consultant MSK Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

Dr Batohi qualified from St George’s University of London in 2009 and has been a consultant radiologist working at King’s College Hospital since 2016. She is a general radiologist with specialist interests in musculoskeletal and trauma imaging and breast radiology. She has co-authored a number of book chapters and peer-reviewed papers in this field and lectures regularly at meetings. She is an enthusiastic teacher with involvement medical student and post-graduate levels and is director for a course for the on-call radiologist.

Course fee

Doctors in Training [NHS]:
Early bookers discount until Fri 17 Jan 2020 
£475, then £525(inc. VAT)

Consultants and SASGs [NHS]:
Early bookers discount until Fri 17 Jan 2020
£525, then £575 (inc. VAT)

Private sector rate:
Early bookers discount until Fri 17 Jan 2020
£595 then, £695 (inc. VAT)

Course fee includes lunch and refreshments, and attendance CPD certificate.


This course provides 12 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists

Full course programme

About the course

  • For all consultant radiologists. More and more consultant radiologists are now required to be on call. This new Infomed course provides a practical and comprehensive review of the more challenging cases faced by the on-call Radiologist.
  • The Course Faculty. An outstanding Faculty of senior and young Consultant Radiologists, and senior STs, all with three or more years of on-call experience, and experienced also
    in disseminating skills and practical knowledge to peers.
  • Sessions over two days. These include: Acute Chest; Aortic and Vascular; Abdo Solid Organ; Bowel and Pelvis; Abdo Post-Op; Neuroradiology; and Paediatrics.
  • Practical. Case by case tasked-based learning, workstation-based and interactive, covering a full range of on-call imaging topics, with challenging cases.
  • Workstation-based interactive learning:
    — workstation based-learning (OsiriX on iMac) with delegates working in pairs for interactive learning; and
    — reporting ‘check lists’ and guidance what to look for and why, top tips and common errors to avoid, practical feedback, highlighting specific learning points.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the attendee will have:

  1. a comprehensive understanding of good/best imaging interpretation and reporting practice in the range of topics most relevant to on-call imaging practice;
  2. improved interpretation and reporting skills;
  3. greater confidence in her/his advanced practice; and
  4. identified skills and knowledge gaps, if any, relevant to her/his practice, and clear ways by which these can be addressed.

Course highlights

  • Faculty of practicing consultant radiologists, experts in their fields, with extensive experience in advancing the abdominal and pelvic MRI skills of peers nationally and internationally.
  • No didactic lectures – practical course, just workstation based cases and teaching pearls.
  • Comprehensive – covering a full range of abdominal and pelvic imaging topics.
  • True peer interaction/learning – 2 attendees per iMac workstation and a limited number of delegates.
  • Stimulating, interactive, challenging cases, and very importantly, immediate feedback with around 100 cases to interpret and report.

Comments from delegates who attended the previous course:

What did you like most about the day?

  • Very supportive team, Good interactive, well covered all topics
  • Presenters delivered information that is usually needed on-call
  • Very informative, Nice collection of cases and description
  • Supportive staff and good selection of cases
  • Tricky cases session
  • Good cases and broad content covered
  • Useful to look at images on OsiriX ourselves
  • Excellent speakers
  • Fairly fast paced, really great content and pitched at just right level for me.
  • Course organisation really excellent overall
  • Teaching, good sessions with useful pointers to identify cases
  • One to one interaction
  • Case review and discussion – high quality
  • Introduction overview and tips & tricks – very useful in non-specialised areas
  • Coverage of topics and tips & tricks
  • Excellent lectures and lecturers – clear, quick informative communication

What did you like most about the day?

  • Very helpful, quick revision of pathology as well as management
  • It will really help me in my daily practice and on call duties
  • Positive impact, more confident on call
  • Highlight what to look for on-call and protocols useful for on-call
  • Very useful cases – a good variety and so useful when speakers talk around imaging with their top tips/protocols/what to do next
  • It will give me a more structured approach
  • Good update/refresher plus some new learning and I’ve been on call for 30 years!
  • Reinforces areas of weaker practice on-call
  • More aware of neuro cases – subtle changes and review areas
  • Improved reporting on-call made even more interesting
  • Good review of review areas! More confident with on-call cases
  • I learnt a great deal about gynae pathology and that TB in the abdomen is more common than expected
  • Positive, refreshed and updated areas of non-specialist practice
  • Will enhance confidence and quality of on call / CT reporting in my areas of non-specialty
  • I shall look at the CT chests in a different light

Course Advisors

Picture of Dr Elizabeth Dick

Dr Elizabeth Dick

Dr Elizabeth Dick, MRCP, FRCR, MD, is a Radiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. After completing Fellowships in Body MRI at Imperial (earning her doctoral degree) and Musculoskeletal Imaging (Duke University) she was appointed at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust where she is now Lead for Trauma and Emergency Radiology. She is an enthusiastic and committed examiner and teacher. She has published widely in the field of MRI, Musculoskeletal and Emergency Imaging and lectures nationally and internationally. She is Divisional Director of Medical Education at Imperial College NHST. She is Past President of the British Society of Emergency Radiology and President Elect of the European Society of Emergency Radiology.

Picture of Dr Keshthra Satchithananda

Dr Keshthra Satchithananda

Dr Keshthra Satchithananda is a Consultant Radiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at King’s College Hospital, London, with particular interest in musculoskeletal and breast imaging. She trained at King’s College Hospital and was initially a consultant radiologist at Imperial College NHS Trust for 10 years before returning to King’s College Hospital. She has published widely and special interest in imaging post arthroplasty hips.

Hands-on with the cases using OsiriX DICOM viewer.
Short lectures followed by cases
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