About this course

  • To provide the busy Paediatrician with a comprehensive and stimulating update covering a range of topics highly relevant to day-to-day practice
  • Aimed at Paediatric Consultants and Middle Grades with a practical focus on both the speciality and related disciplines that impact on it
  • Faculty comprising leading Paediatricians and other specialists who are actually doing the job and can supply the expert, up-to-date and evidence-based information
  • Draws on the know-how of key specialists in Paediatric Cardiology, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Nephrology, Allergy, Infections, Rheumatology, Autism, Endocrinology, Neonatology and Radiology
  • Advice to Paediatricians on ordering the appropriate investigations, interpreting the results and getting the right diagnosis and treatment

Learning outcomes

  • A comprehensive understanding of current evidence-based best practice and emerging issues in a range of clinical areas highly relevant to the day-to-day practice of Paediatricians;
  • Greater confidence in their clinical practice; and
  • Identified skills and knowledge gaps, if any, relevant to their practice, and clear ways by which these can be addressed.

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