Feedback from the previous run of this event

Nice topics, fantastic speakers and good streaming
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
This course will have a good impact to improve my quality of patient care and optimise my practice as a DGH radiologist
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
I liked the interactivity with slido. speed and content of the lectures.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Clear topics, very good presentations and answers of questions, friendly speakers, relaxed environment which encouraged questions and discussion.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Real life cases, experienced speakers, good dicom viewer –all excellent
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
I liked the interactive format and having time to look at cases and formulate opinion
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Interactive. Case based. Great faculty and Infomedtechnical support was fantastic
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Running through cases independently and discussing with colleague was very good, helpful and gave me more confidencefor my reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
All good -smooth running of the PACS, sound quality, excellent range of cases, good summary talks, clear and knowledgeable presenters
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Medico-Legal aspect. Excellent to have controversial cases and legal advice overview
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
This hasrefreshed my paediatric knowledge and provided a few tips to use in general practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Good coverage of subject, comprehensive, nice cases, practical tips –well done!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Good refresher of various common pathologies, it will enhance my experience and competence for reporting.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Increased knowledge regarding diagnosis and guiding further management in my general practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
No doubt it will improve my paediatric radiology experience and allow me to build on this to enable me to provide a safe radiological service for paediatric emergencies.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
As ageneral radiologist at a DGH, it will give me much greater confidence in tackling paeds cases in my day-to-day work, particularly on call
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Definitely going to improve my day-to-day practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Will be more confident in interpreting NAI
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Good coverage of subject, comprehensive, nice cases, practical tips
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
I liked the opportunity to reviewing cases myself. Tips from radiologists about image optimisation and evaluating differentials of imaging findings –all great fun and interesting
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Able to interact without being placed on the spot, and good explanations on the imaging findings, all very good.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Very important,this highlighted my deficiencies as I am having to do more paediatrics with no one to ask questions; this gave me confidence!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)
Good to have the slido poll; each session was just the right length. being able to view cases ourselves
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in February 2022)

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