Wednesday 10 May 2023

All times are GMT +1

08:30 - 09:10

Course opens for connections

09:10 - 09:30

Introduction to Webex and PACS

Jack Hodson

Online and IT Services Manager, Infomed Online

60 minutes

Introductory lecture - The basics of PET-CT

Dr Manuela Vadrucci

Consultant in Nuclear Medicine, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Barts Health NHS Trust

50 minutes

Head and Neck

Prof Teresa Szyszko

Consultant in Nuclear Medicine, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Associate Professor, UCL

11:10 - 11:30


50 minutes

Endocrine part 1: Thyroid

Dr Saira Reynolds

Consultant in Nuclear Medicine, King's College Hospital, London

12:10 - 12:15

Screen break

40 minutes

Endocrine part 2: Adrenal

Dr Saira Reynolds

Consultant in Nuclear Medicine, King's College Hospital, London

12:55 - 13:30


50 minutes

Breast imaging features

Dr Nikhil Patel

Consultant Radiologist (Breast and Acute Pathway), King's College Hospital, London

50 minutes

Prostate cancer and Urology

Dr Sachin Kamat

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

15:10 - 15:30


50 minutes

GI & HPB: Colorectal, Liver and Neuroendocrine tumours

Dr Ken Courtney

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

40 minutes

Assorted Cases, pearls and pitfalls

Dr Ken Courtney

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London


Thursday 11 May 2023

All times are GMT +1

09:00 - 09:40

Course opens for connections

50 minutes

Lung cancer

Dr Marko Berovic

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

50 minutes

Haematology part 1: Lymphoma and Myeloma

Dr Sachin Kamat

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

11:20 - 11:50


50 minutes

Haematology part 2: Lymphoma and Myeloma

Dr Ken Courtney

Consultant Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London

12:40 - 13:30


50 minutes

Skin cancer and PET-CT

Dr Dhruba Dasgupta

Consultant Nuclear Medicine Physician and Radiologist, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London

50 minutes

Paediatric PET-CT

Dr Diana Rosof-Williams

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

15:10 - 15:30


45 minutes

Assorted Cases, pearls and pitfalls

Dr Nicola Mulholland

Consultant Radiologist and Nuclear Physician, King's College Hospital, London

30 minutes

Future developments

Dr Nicola Mulholland

Consultant Radiologist and Nuclear Physician, King's College Hospital, London

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