Comments from attendees of this course in May 2023

  • Amazing – I think this is a very informative and well delivered course. It exposes you to a wide range of images, very practical and case based. 
  • Very good PACS, no issues, very stable and acceptably fast . 
  • Very good number and mix of cases, good IT support when required and good time keeping. 
  • Cases, cases, cases all what we needed 
  • I did like the variety of cases, the answering to questions, the pace, and the remote access 
  • Very approachable and practical lecturers with sessions with large number of excellent and interesting cases from a very good and useful range of topics. 
  • Knowledgeable speakers with the interesting mix of cases and the easy access to PACS 
  • Going through practical cases with experienced lecturers it will help in my practice especially cancer MDTs 
  • Well organised and well delivered, great cases including pitfalls, insight into PET CT indications and technique 
  • Excellent variety of quality speakers and cases; ease of access to case at the sessions and post course to consolidate knowledge. 
  • I am sure I will now be more informed for MDMs and able to direct clinicians better in my reports – a big impact 
  • Good time keeping, easy process from booking to end of course and excellent faculty 
  • Very good coverage, content very well pitched for me and remote accessibility from home! 
  • Excellent speakers, good IT support from Infomed and good DICOM images 
  • Very good coverage, presentations and I liked the Slido polling! 
  • This course increased confidence at interpreting PET CT as it improved my knowledge 
  • Surely this course improved confidence interpreting PET cases and I will try new protocols 
  • This has had a good impact, I will feel more confident when reviewing PET scan at the MDTs 
  • I gained a better understanding of limitations, and pitfalls of PET that I may come across during my MDTs as well as use/indications of PET outside my subspecialty interests 

Comments from attendees of this course in March 2022

Interactive, able to ask questions and get answers live, able to forward questions to presenters if required
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
Got lot of understanding about different types of PET CT which will help me to suggest its use during MDT
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
Online course is convenient to attend. Topics are good. Learned some tips
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
Great variety of cases and topics, experienced speakers, good presentations
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
Good coverage of all topics, excellent delivery by the experts , no technical problems with streaming
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
interactive case discussion, experienced speakers, catch up facility to look at cases later on
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
I gained better understading about use of PET CT in different scenarios and will definitely help in MDT discussion.
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
Good IT support. Interactive. Enthusiastic and encouraging lecturers
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022
increased my personal confidence in PET reporting
Radiologist (delegate from this course in March 2022

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