09.40 – 10:30

Insights into Cranial nerves part 1: Cranial nerves 1- 6

Picture of Dr Ata Siddiqui

Dr Ata Siddiqui

Consultant Neuroradiologist, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

10.30 – 10.35


10.35 – 11.20

Insights into Cranial nerves part 2: 7- 12

Dr Chandrashekar Hoskote

Consultant Neuroradiologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens Square, London

11.25 – 11.50


11.50 – 12.40

Diseases of the skull base

Dr Dermot Mallon

Consultant Neuroradiologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens Square, London

12.40 – 13.20


13.20 – 14.10

Spinal disease – non-tumour

Dr Naomi Sibtain

Consultant Diagnostic Neuroradiologist, Clinical Lead of Neuroradiology, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

14.10 – 14.15


14.15 – 15.05

Spinal disease – tumours

Picture of Dr David Doig

Dr David Doig

Consultant radiologist at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

15.05 – 15.25


15.25 – 16.15

Spinal disease – vascular

Picture of Dr Juveria Siddiqui

Dr Juveria Siddiqui

Consultant Diagnostic Neuroradiologist, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

16.15 – 16.20


16.20 – 17.00

Incidental brain and spine findings

Picture of Dr Maureen Dumba

Dr Maureen Dumba

Consultant Neuoradiologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens Square, London

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