Comments from the previous courses

Well done - keep it up Infomed, nothing that I can think for making it better.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
This course will have a huge impact, it will improve my reporting and MDT meeting with spinal surgeons.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
This course was informative, interactive and with practical case-based teaching.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
This was all about a real seamless delivery, nice spread of topics, talks with cases and very engaging interactive polling.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Very good topics, well delivered by engaging presenters and online, no travel needed, more comfortable at home and much cheaper.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
I was very happy with the content, the presenters, and the advanced level of the presentations. Good general knowledge for general radiologist.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Variety of cases with live access, interpretation/interactive, coverage.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Content and PACS system great, interactive case discussion with excellent faculty from the comfort of my home!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
I loved the format of lecture then cases all through the day, much better than all the lectures in AM and cases in PM
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Can rewatch the bits I am interested in. The post op section as it was very practical. the trauma section as relevant to daily practice
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
I gained an appreciation of some really complex pathology and cases, lots of learning points to help to start spine reporting more confidently.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Speakers were approachable, case discussion, contents and quality of the cases
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Available via webinar so I didn't have to travel from Ireland and take additional time off work, content and cases.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
That it's online, interactive nature and quality of speakers
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Have noted a lot of key points to help me in my routine spine reporting, have gained more confidence, this will make me a better reporter
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
So glad that this excellent course was available via webinar, so I didn't have to travel from Ireland and take additional time off work, and expenditure.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Excellent PACS platform to view images and excellent Infomed support team always available for advice on the day.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Content, PACS system, interactive case discussion with excellent faculty from the comfort of my home!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Speakers were very approachable, case discussions interactive, contents and quality of the cases really good and the catch available for later!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
A good range of topics well presented in an interactive nature by all quality speakers, by the way, Slido is wow!
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Seamless delivery, nice spread of topics, talks with cases and the interactive polling
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Topics, interactive nature, PACS to view images
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Informative, collaborative, experience gained
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Good topics, online-no travel needed, more comfortable at home
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Well delivered talks, engaging presenters
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2022)
Excellent coordination, excellent speakers and topics.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
IT support amazing, welcoming atmosphere and good Interactive Q and A
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
specialty findings from radiologist to surgeons, variety of cases, trauma and post-surgical spine included.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
Please continue the online courses. These are extremely useful.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
Definitely got some new pearls which I will apply in my daily practise
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
Increased my confidence in spinal reporting.
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)
High quality speakers and cases and potential interaction
Radiologist (delegate from this webinar in November 2021)

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