Feedback from the previous run of this event

  • A well-run course, not too much information crammed into a short space of time. I enjoyed the interactive nature an excellent course – thank you!
  • A very useful day, excellent content and coverage and optimal quality of streaming, except for small intermittent technical problem in one lecture
  • Speakers were of high quality, cases were varied and good, something learned from each lecture and online!
  • Very interesting and commonly forgotten topic, very useful for everyday work, very good talks with nice cases accessible for all of us to scroll simultaneously.
  • Excellent cases. Frequent breaks so you are not overloaded, excellent format of PACS with presentations instead of just lectures.
  • I liked the online/ remote access, mix of UK and USA presenters/ perspectives and comparison of the different guidelines.
  • Online, interactive, at home, no travelling, and will have catch up time – the best way to get my CPDs
  • Broad variety of topics, very good lecturers, IT worked well, good time keeping!
  • This will change my practice and, it will reduce unnecessary specialist referrals and save patient’s time and NHS resources. I will be more confident in deciding further management plan for incidental lesions detected during my reporting sessions.
  • Great topics, all the lecturers were excellent and the variation is styles is really refreshing, very practical and relevant
  • Good wide range of cases. ability to view cases independently. ability to do it from home, Pacs very easy to issue, no glitches, excellent work, I am very impressed.
  • Excellent faculty, concise packaging of cases, good variety, commonly seen findings were discussed which was great.
  • Good set up, chat and Slido work well. The IT support works really well and very importantly, they are in in attendance, and this is really reassuring for attendees (& no doubt presenters) this ensured a good flow during day.
  • The pacing of lectures was good, I enjoyed being able to scroll through images myself, the Slido polls, what an interactive course and good to have the flexibility to do this at home.
  • I enjoyed the ease with which we reviewed cases, topics and not trying to cover too much in one day, all presentations and lecturers were very good.
  • Thia course has very good speakers presenting on a very well-judged content and technically easy for technophobes
  • Refresh knowledge on topics not dealt with on a daily basis and reinforce knowledge with relevant cases seen on a daily basis.
  • Great content, format and speakers, good technology with excellent Webex and DICOM service support when needed
  • What I learnt today will have impact on reporting in many areas and will definitely help widen differentials and improve pick up of incidental lesions.
  • I gathered a better understanding of incidentals and this made me definitely more confident with handling incidental lesions in the neck and thorax and I will definitely interrogate and comment more on cardiac structures
  • Excellent and very useful topic, the things that I’ve learned will definitely impact my everyday work in emergency and elective reporting. Will be more confident when encountering incidental findings and will likely read more on them after the webinar.
  • 1/ Quiz to keep audience engaged. 2/ Coverage was focused and not exhaustive 3/ Variety of speakers
  • Non-judgemental, easy to follow and great learning points
  • Concise packaging of cases, good variety, commonly seen findings were discussed which was great.
  • Broad variety of topics, IT works well, good time keeping and Infomed support always there
  • Ease with which can review cases, topics and not trying to cover too much in one day, all presentations were very good
  • The online convenience, being at home and concentrate, no travelling
  • Excellent comprehensive coverage, very good streaming service, PACS very easy to use, interactive participation, excellent knowledge sharing, access from my own home; with all these I achieved my learning objectives.
  • Speakers struck great balance between didactic info and case examples
  • It was well timed with good breaks, I enjoy the on line approach because it means no travelling, and I can attend in comfort, and the presentations were high quality
  • Excellent range of high quality speakers who were interesting to listen to and had some excellent illustrative examples
  • Good and helpful for my general / emergency teleradiology practise. There is an increasing emphasis to report incidental findings in all emergency large volume scans. Good guidance.
  • Topics were well covered, explanation of difficult cases, and good interactive sessions.
  • Comprehensive coverage of the topics, great knowledge of experts and very good interaction.
  • Very well selected topics. Useful to remember normal findings and what to look out for.
  • It will definitely help my approach to incidental findings, and reassuring to know that my follow up timings are in accordance with best practice.
  • Definitely increased my knowledge and produce more accurate reporting.
  • I can apply what i learned straight away to practice
  • Brilliant cases. So helpful. Will be more confident when picking up incidental findings.
  • I really enjoyed the cases and presentations. Came away feeling that I had learned a lot that was relevant to my daily practice
  • Definitely improved my understanding of the incidental findings and most importantly really got more clarity what to do next
  • Increase my knowledge and my reporting diagnostic accuracy, filled my knowledge gaps.
  • Learned a lot today. Will have helped with everyday reporting of studies.
  • I could attend at home. Excellent streaming service. Really works.

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