Comments from attendees of this webinar in 2021/22

The intro video was brilliant - crucial for getting the most out of the webinar, but also just fab on its own to help me re-orientate.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Easy online delivery- no travel necessary, no expenses, very comprehensive coverage and a real bonus catch up access for revision and study
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
The ability to interact with the IT in real time and the availability of cases and crib sheets for consolidation after the course.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
I feel confident now reviewing trauma CT while awaiting the formal CT report
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Faster appreciation of injuries prior to formal radiology report, which means I can plan my next steps in the patient's management.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Huge increase in confidence in CT interpretation
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Course organisation, IT and IT support superb. I will definitely chose Infomed courses in the future
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Knowledgeable presenters, a varied case mix and ease of access
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Best three things: The speakers, the access to the a lot of imaging and the introduction course that was sent a few days back
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
very helpful and informative course. well organised
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Really good course with excellent coverage. I was impressed by the number and breadth of cases used for discussion.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in June 2022)
Excellent coverage of CT scan in our Trauma patients. I feel much more confident in interpretation of CT scans.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Great coverage. Feel much more knowledgeable and confident now
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Easy and effective
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Enjoyed going through CT images on PACS and trying to figure out injuries ourselves before getting final answers. Short introductory presentation used by almost all presenters to give info about the mechanism of trauma and injury expected. Initial primary survey and then covering all the relevant areas in detail.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Better understanding of the phases of imaging which means I will be better and more detailed when requesting imaging.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Really surprised at how smoothly this worked
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
I had no problems. Everything worked without a single glitch.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Avoided the London travel. Hands-on live on PACS with the presenter. Comfortable home environment.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Improvement in the understanding and interpretation of ct in Ed.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in April 2021)
i work in major trauma centre so I am sure the tips I learnt will help me in my practice
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
There were no streaming problems and Infomed support was excellent.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in April 2021)
a subject worth exploring further, with potential positive impact on patients' care
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Feel more confident in reading c-spine images and abdominal CTs. This course will definitely help me to plan further management of patient while waiting for formal report by radiologist.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in April 2021)
I can go through the images and identify any immediate intervention required or plan the management of patient well ahead while waiting for the scans to be reported.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
I have made notes on take home points and tips and I will use them!
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Has given me a system for looking at CTs in trauma. Will allow me to look for injuries prior to CT report which may change Mx. Finally understand what the different phases are and when to request them!
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in April 2021)
Will encourage me to interpret scans myself much more and may help expedite patient care, particularly overnight when no radiologists on site
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
already engaged with own radiology team about scan protocols on basis of teaching. Reccommended to others.
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)
Definitely feel more confident to spot injuries while awaiting a formal report
EM Physician (delegate from this webinar in December 2021)

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