COMMENTS from previous online courses

Some positive things come out of the current COVID crisis
Consultant Intensivist
Good content, short lecture format, remote access, great!
Consultant Anaesthetist
I think the online streaming format really works, it should bring costs down, more environmentally friendly...should be used more often now.
Consultant Anaesthetist
Good of Infomed in developing this on-line teaching format so quickly, I guess this may be the future.
Consultant Anaesthetist
Excellent interactive course with new on line option that worked very well
Consultant Radiologist
Speakers, topics, timekeeping, helpful organiser and content all very good.
Consultant Anaesthetist
Excellent - the streaming service was excellent in audio and video. There was no lag between the delivery and the AV content.
Consultant Radiologist
I must say that I was very impressed, given current Coronavirus issues, at late notice sorted out online streaming of the conference that worked well. The organisers showed a good understanding of the situation. Well delivered and well done Infomed.
Consultant Radiologist
Great day, did well above expectation given the existing Covid-19 pandemic and the unexpected online streaming
Consultant Radiologist

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