60 minutes


Picture of Dr Ichiro Ikuta

Dr Ichiro Ikuta

Assistant Professor at Yale School of Medicine, USA

60 minutes


Picture of Dr Matthew Maeder

Dr Matthew Maeder

Assistant Professor of Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, USA

60 minutes


Picture of Dr Carole Ridge

Dr Carole Ridge

Consultant Radiologist, The Royal Brompton Hospital and Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London

80 minutes


Picture of Dr Asif Saifuddin

Dr Asif Saifuddin

Consultant MSK Radiologist, King's College Hospital, London


40 minutes


Picture of Dr Christopher Harvey

Dr Christopher Harvey

Consultant radiologist, Imperial NHS Trust, London

40 minutes

Lymph nodes

Picture of Dr Ken Courtney

Dr Ken Courtney

Consultant Interventional Radiologist, King’s College Hospital

50 minutes

Adrenal Glands

Picture of Dr Anju Sahdev

Dr Anju Sahdev

Radiology Consultant and Director for Research at St Bartholomew's Hospital

70 minutes

Gallbladder and Bile Ducts

Picture of Dr Priti Dutta

Dr Priti Dutta

Consultant Radiologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK

80 minutes


Picture of Dr Kevin Kalisz

Dr Kevin Kalisz

Assistant Professor at Duke University School of Medicine, USA

60 minutes


Picture of Dr Mahan Mathur

Dr Mahan Mathur

Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Division Chief: Body Imaging, Yale School of Medicine, USA


75 minutes


Picture of Dr Nishat Bharwani

Dr Nishat Bharwani

Consultant Radiologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK

90 minutes

Urinary bladder

Picture of Dr Miriam Salib

Dr Miriam Salib

Radiology Consultant, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK

45 minutes

Kidneys/Ureters - Incidental Solid masses?

Picture of Professor Paul Sidhu

Professor Paul Sidhu

Consultant Radiologist, Professor of Imaging Sciences and Clinical Director of Radiology, King's College Hospital London

60 minutes


Picture of Dr Stuart G. Silverman

Dr Stuart G. Silverman

Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School. Chief Emeritus, Division of Abdominal Imaging and Intervention, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

90 minutes

Incidental Findings in the GI tract

Picture of Dr Matthew Maeder

Dr Matthew Maeder

Assistant Professor of Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, USA

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